Over the last few years, I’ve met many talented entrepreneurs with incredible ideas who are discouraged with their lack of “success.” They measure success by the validation of others through increased sales, social media followers or accolades from peers. When these aren’t achieved, they begin to question who they are, which may lead to self-doubt and being financially and emotionally broke.
This is a book for you, the entrepreneur, who knows you haven’t fully tapped into your potential and are looking for a better way to do business and life.
When you begin walking, talking and working in alignment with the understanding of who you are, you’ll realize success is found in doing what it is you were designed to do.
This book will help you do just that!
Hard Cover Copies
Length of Campaign
Raised during the campaign
The good news is anyone can publish a book these days. The bad news is anyone can publish a book these days. This fundraiser is to help take the book to the next level.
If your life is perfect, this book wasn't written for you. It was written for those who are struggling to find meaning in what they do on a daily basis.
Shift your perspective to look inward and evaluate all the activities you're involved in to help find your identity in what you do every day.
Take a look at some of the illustrations created by Katy Zimmerman. There are fifty-two, positive-affirming, chapter heading illustrations.
My name is Troy Ritchie and I’ve made it my personal mission to inspire entrepreneurs to reconsider what they know and perceive of success by finding meaning in their work.
Over the last few months, I've written a self-help book called, You Got It; Now Go Get It! It's a collection of insights I've received from reading 240 non-fiction books since February of 2018.